There are 350 patient beds in total in our hospital. Infectious Diseases, Dermatology, Cardiology, General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Child Health and Diseases Service, Internal Medicine Service, Physical Therapy Service, Psychiatry Service, Ear Nose and Throat Service, Urology Service, Eye Service, Brain and Nerve Surgery Service, Orthopedics Service, Gynecology and Obstetrics Service, Chest Diseases Service, Thoracic Surgery Service and Neurology Service are available and provide inpatient treatment to our patients. In the wards, specialist doctors and nurses serve with a team approach. Our patient houses have cabinets and televisions where our patients can put their belongings.
Nursing services of our patients are provided by our experienced and trained nurse staff. There are Health Care Services Directorate, training nurse, breastfeeding nurse, infection nurse, diabetes nurse within the head nurse. Our nurses, who are responsible for the follow-up, treatment and self-care of our patients, increase the quality of service with their communication knowledge, experience and devoted work.
Our assistant staff and cleaning staff carry out their duties successfully with their experience in communication with their patients and in-service training, by fulfilling the task instructions in the best way. The meals given to our patients in our hospital are prepared in the kitchen of our hospital by an experienced staff. Foods with high quality and nutritional value are
prepared together with the food engineer and given to our patients. Information about nutritional status is recorded in the nurse observation form. The security of our hospital is provided by the 24-hour security personnel. Security personnel ensure that visitors to the hospital carry out their visits in accordance with the control and rules, and help inpatients to receive treatment safely in the hospital.